Well, it’s official. Today is the first day of autumn, which means, gone are the days of summer. We hope that all of the hard work you put into your summer lawn paid off—we know that keeping your lawn looking like a lush green carpet is not the easiest thing to do in Southeastern Kansas.

Though autumn is technically here, it doesn’t mean your beautiful, green lawn is going to turn brown overnight. We still have some time before cold temperatures become a regular occurrence and all of the leaves cover our lawns with a decomposing blanket. That being said, it’s always good to be prepared and remember that the lawn care steps you take in the fall can greatly impact the type of lawn you have in the spring.

Read on to learn about how to care for your lawn in the autumn.  


Fall is the ideal time of the year to aerate your lawn. There are both gas-powered and walk-behind aerators, and both, more or less, provide the same essential service: punch holes into the ground and extract plugs of dirt, allowing oxygen to reach the roots under the surface. If you do not feel up to this task or feel that your lawn is far too large for such an undertaking, don’t hesitate to contact Independence’s Top Rated Local® Lawn Care Center. We’d be glad to help!

Seed and Fertilize

After aerating, the next step is to apply some rich fertilizer to your lawn. As most lawn care professionals tend to agree: if you’re only going to fertilize your lawn once a year, do it in the fall. An autumn application of fertilizer provides your lawn with strengthening nutrients that foster the growth of deep roots, and it gives your lawn the reserve nutrients it needs to get off to a healthy spring start.

We have found that during this process reseeding your lawn with a seasonally appropriate type of grass seed produces consistent and reliable results. Another option may be to fill in bald spots with an all-in-one lawn repair mix that contains grass seeds, fertilizer, and mulch. For help deciding what grass seed and or/mixture to apply, pay our Independence garden center a visit. We’d be happy to help!


If you struggled all summer to keep the broadleaf weeds like dandelions from infiltrating your summer lawn, autumn is the time to take action. Like most plants, weeds are also fighting to absorb as much energy as they can in the fall, drinking everything that comes their way. Applying a herbicide during this time can prevent these pesky weeds from returning in the spring.

Rake Leaves

Though this tip could probably go without saying, we’ll say it just in case. As much as you might hate raking up the fallen leaves, it has to be done. And even though you might be tempted to wait until those deciduous trees are bare and you can rake them up all in one grand pass, don’t wait. If you delay, the leaves will become wet, breed fungal disease, clump together, and smother your lawn. Whether you’re using a classic rake or a lawnmower fashioned with a vacuum and collection bag, stay on top of your leaf removal.

Continue Mowing

To keep your grass as green as possible, it helps to continue mowing your lawn. Near the end of the fall season, drop your mower down to a lower setting. By doing this, you will leave less grass that can turn brown during the cold months, and you will also allow more sunlight to reach the crown of the grass.

Additionally, you will want to cut back on the watering in the fall. Though your impulse might be to give your lawn more water, thus reviving its summer vibrancy, don’t overwater your it. When you give your lawn too much, you oversaturate its root system, causing serious damage to your pride and joy.

For assistance with any of your Independence lawn services, contact TLC Nursery & Outdoor Living. Our experienced and dedicated staff are not just experts in lawn care, we also specialize in landscaping, weed control, irrigation systems, and much more. We also have a fully stocked garden center!